From the Principal
Dear Mary MacKillop Community
I hope that you are all very well.
If you spend any time watching noir films that depict a Catholic church – you will always see – as a sign that it is Catholic – a symbol of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This is such a popular piece and so common in our iconography that we seldom stop to consider what it actually means.
Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus dates to the very early fathers of the church. Really, it is a meditation on God’s love for us. It was made a more formal thing in the eleventh century and further consolidated by several Popes in the seventeenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The devotions were manifested in the building of churches, schools, and the establishment of Holy Orders. Pope Leo XIII, in 1899, at the insistence of Sister Mary of the Divine Heart Droste zu Vischering, consecrated the world to the Sacred Heart.
My Spiritual Director when I was a Principal in the UK had a beautiful way of explaining the Sacred Heart. He said it is aching, bloody, and aflame, because it loves SO much – but is loved so little in return. It is a really poignant thought, and one that makes me think of not just my attitude to my faith but also how I treat others.
June is the month that the Catholic Church dedicates to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In this month of the Sacred Heart, let’s think about those around us who need us to show more compassion, love and mercy. It is freely given and brings such strength.